What planet do you come from Lorenzo Smith? You want your cake and eat it as well.
Education means being led out to where you would not be otherwise able to travel intellectually. To have, or even need faith, is the reverse of education, it is the blinkered, inward looking cultural impulse to appear acceptable to others in your chosen community and it is based on nothing other than wishful thinking. The contrast between faith and knowledge must first be fully understood and then faith removed from the discussion if one is to get a proper education. Faith is whimsy, only knowledge from evidential and testable (disprovable) sources make for useable information. This fundamental cornerstone of the western intellectual discourse dismisses at a stroke the whole shebang of religion with its faith and other holy drivel. Religion and mythology were the socially unifying tools which enabled mankind to hobble along before the clarity of the scientific method for determining realities. Times have changed.
The Bible is nearly all drawn from paganism...Surface reading of the texts ignores the primitive and universal folk myths from which the Bible finds its origins. Its stories are these much older stories bent around Jewish and later Greek ideas dressed up and as holy imperatives and delivered for political cohesion. To imagine that it is God’s inerrant word is just ignorance, to believe so was socially acceptable in the past but today it no longer stands up to scientific scrutiny. It remains a very important collection of historical texts but to believe that it is from God is naive.
Forget the edicts of the past, move forward and base your judgement on knowable things...the Bible is on a par with fairy stories.